Accounting course




 Accounting course


Accounting course

The second round of course entitled “Full Accounting” has ended. The course was carried out under the EEA Ministry of Finance and a partnership agreement with the Municipality of the City of Ostrów Wielkopolski. The Ostrów Entrepreneurship Support Center Association was a co-executor of the project entitled "Business has big eyes".
The group counted 10 people. The target group consisted of owners and employees of companies employed on the basis of an employment contract.
The training was aimed at companies that have their registered office in the city of Ostrów Wielkopolski.
Participants acquired a solid foundation in the field of accounting, both in theoretical and practical terms. They had a possibility to get to know the functioning of accounts, accounting for business operations, they learned, among other things, the most important rules regarding the recording of fixed assets, settlement of salaries, VAT and CIT.
Thanks to such projects, Ostrów Wielkopolski is becoming an attractive place for business. “We are working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.” The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Finance of the European Economic Area for the years 2014-2021 and the state budget under the "Local Development" Program.

Accounting course

Accounting course

Accounting course

 Accounting course

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