Business has great eyes ... training for entrepreneurs


The training was carried out as part of the partnership between the City of Ostrów Wielkopolski and Ostrów’s Business Support Centre, in the frame of the project entitled "E-Ostrów 2050 - an Ecological, Energy and Economic City". The project is co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) for 2014-2021 and the state budget under the "Local Development" Program.

In the photo, the participants of the training "Business has big eyes... a series of reportages combined with an interview with the owners of Ostrów companies" carried out as part of the project entitled "E-Ostrów 2050 – Ecological, Energy and Economic City".

During the training, participants learnt how to act in social media. They learnt about the possibilities of the largest social media channels, i.e. Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok. They learnt how to organize work to make social media simple and pleasant. The workshops also taught how to overcome the resistance to recording short stories and showed the benefits of them.

In the photo, the participants of the training "Business has big eyes... a series of reportages combined with an interview with the owners of Ostrów companies" carried out as part of the project entitled "E-Ostrów 2050 – Ecological, Energy and Economic City".

The training is part of the project entitled "Business has great eyes ... a series of reports combined with an interview with the owners of Ostrów companies” in the frame of the project entitled "E-Ostrów 2050 - an Ecological, Energy and Economic City". It supports the achievement of one of the project objectives: Ostrów Wielkopolski -  an entrepreneurial city.

In the photo, the participants of the training "Business has big eyes... a series of reportages combined with an interview with the owners of Ostrów companies" carried out as part of the project entitled "E-Ostrów 2050 – Ecological, Energy and Economic City".

We invite you to visit the, where you can find news about projects implemented under the "E-Ostrów 2050 - Ecological, Energy, Economic City project" and information on EEA Funds and the donors' contribution.

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