We started the school year

We started the school year

We started the school year  on September 5, 2023   

The new school year has begun! Over 4,600 young citizens of Ostrow Wielkopolski have started the 2023/2024 school year and returned to their desks. The city's inauguration took place at "Jedynka" School.
For the students of Primary School No. 1 named after Maria Konopnicka in Ostrow Wielkopolski, it's a special time. The comprehensive modernization, including thermal modernization, is taking place in Primary School No.1. The renovation started a few months ago, and we are in the home stretch.
- I wish students, teachers, and parents a school year full of empathy, love, warmth, tolerance, and kindness. May the school be a place where students always come with a smile, and the new school year brings new challenges and successes! - says Beata Klimek, Mayor of Ostrów Wielkopolski.
Deputy Mayor Sebastian Górski welcomed the first graders in the walls of "Jedynka." Comprehensive modernization work is ongoing at Primary School No.1. The students were greeted with a renovated gym, classrooms, corridors, locker rooms, and a common room. Finishing work is still ahead and will last for several weeks.
- Ostrow's "Jedynka" is also my school. The corridors and classrooms remember the time of my education in this place. I am all the more pleased that the building is undergoing such necessary changes - the comprehensive modernization is in its final stages, and the children have returned to a facility that welcomes them with renovated corridors and classrooms. Finishing work is still ongoing, but in a few weeks, we will be able to talk about the completion of the investment - emphasizes Sebastian Górski, Deputy Mayor of Ostrów Wielkopolski.
The renovation of Ostrow's "Jedynka" is one of the tasks of the Great City Development Program until 2023.
Primary School No. 1 was built in 1980. So far, the building has not been modernized to such a large extent. After more than 40 years, the facility needed renovation. The cost of the investment is almost 12 million Polish zlotys.
The construction work at Primary School No. 1 includes adapting the building to current sanitary and fire safety requirements, the construction of an elevator, and making the facility accessible to people with disabilities. The scope also includes thermal modernization, the replacement of some installations, renovation work, partial replacement of windows and doors, as well as a new surveillance and alarm system.
The investment is being carried out with co-financing from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget as part of the Local Development Program as one of the investments in the "E-Ostrów 2050 - Ecological, Energy, Economic City" project.

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