Attention! Pollsters will knock on Ostrów houses


Pictures - Pollsters will knock on Ostrów houses


Attention! Pollsters will knock on Ostrów houses
Dear residents!

Traffic studies are carried out on behalf of the City of Ostrów Wielkopolski. Their results will allow for a better shaping of the transport system in our city.

In connection with the research, in June 2023, interviewers will visit selected households. They will conduct a survey, and the questions contained in it will be related to transport and daily travel to places of work, study, etc.

Each pollster will have an ID and his task will be to conduct a questionnaire interview with all persons present in the selected household (interviews will be carried out only with persons over 6 years of age). The interview consists of questions about the general characteristics of the household, including: the number of people in the household, education, place of study, work, number of cars.

The second, extremely important element of the survey is the so-called travel diary. As part of it, the interviewer collects from the respondent detailed information about trips (which took place on the day preceding the visit - in the case of surveys from Wednesday to Friday, and which took place on Thursday - in the case of surveys on Saturdays), concerning, among others: the source and purpose of travel, travel time, means of transport used.

The survey is completely anonymous, which means that no information collected during the interview will be made public or interpreted individually. The results of the study will be analyzed only in the form of aggregate statistical summaries.

As a result of the conducted research, a report will be prepared containing a description of the communication behavior of the inhabitants of Ostrów Wielkopolski. The results will be used to develop a traffic model for our city, covering both individual and public transport.

The research is carried out as part of the Project entitled "E-Ostrów 2050 - Ecological, Energy, Economic City", co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 - 2021 and the state budget under the Local Development Programme.


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