Renovation works at Primary School number 1.



Renovation works at Primary School number 1.

Renovation works at Primary School number 1.

- Modernized rooms of Maria Konopnicka Primary School no. 1 are slowly gaining colours. The basketball baskets have been already  hung in the gym, and the first walls attract with beautiful colours. However, this is not the end of the works carried out in the school. One of the walls will be decorated with the image of an athlete, who - I hope - will encourage  students to do physical efforts - emphasizes Beata Klimek, Mayor of Ostrów Wielkopolski.
Locker rooms, toilets both for children and youth with disabilities, as well as rooms for teachers  are starting to take on their final appearance. All the works are progressing according to schedule.
The construction works carried out  at the Primary School No. 1 include: adaptation of the building to current sanitary and fire safety requirements, construction of an elevator and adaptation of the building to the needs of  the people with disabilities. The works also include: thermal modernization, replacement of parts of the installation, renovation works, partial replacement of windows and doors. There will be installed a new monitoring and assault alarm system too.
The investment is carried out by NAT-BUD Zbigniew Warga company from Ostrów Wielkopolski, the winner of the tender. Completion of works is scheduled for autumn 2023.
The Primary School no. 1  is one of the largest schools in Ostrów Wielkopolski. 532 students study there.
The cost of this comprehensive modernization and thermal modernization of the building is PLN 11.5 million. The renovation of the school is one of the tasks of the Great City Development Program until 2023. The investment is implemented thanks to co-financing from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget under the Local Development Program as one of the investments of the "E-Ostrów 2050 - Ecological, Energy, Economic City" project.

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Renovation works at Primary School number 1.

Renovation works at Primary School number 1.

Renovation works at Primary School number 1.

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