About the EEA among local government officials

The "E-Ostrów 2050. Ecological, Energy and Economic City" project - the most important investments and the source of their financing, was one of the topics of the December meeting of local government officials of the Kalisko-Ostrów Agglomeration. The guests included commune heads, mayors and presidents of cities from Southern Greater Poland, 25 people in total.

- The two-year program "E-Ostrów 2050. Ecological, energy and economic city" is being implemented in Ostrów Wielkopolski. This is a multi-dimensional project that has gained recognition in the eyes of international specialists and received funding of EUR 3.5 million, the equivalent of over PLN 15 million. The money was granted from two sources: the first from the funds of the European Economic Area, which consists of the countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, the second - from the state budget. The value of the entire project is a considerable amount of PLN 25 million, emphasized Beata Klimek, Mayor of Ostrów Wielkopolski.

Thanks to the project, Ostrów Wielkopolski has a chance to become a more friendly city for its residents, entrepreneurs and the environment. It is supposed to be an attractive place to live. Hence the wide range of investments implemented under the program.

Let's remind. "Together we act for a green, competitive, and socially integrated Europe" - this is the official slogan of the European Economic Area, which Ostrów Wielkopolski joined in 2021 by accessing Norwegian funds. After numerous consultations and assessing the needs of the residents, a strategy was developed in the form of a document titled "EOstrów 2050 – An Ecological, Energetic, Economic City". The project was financed by
the funds of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for the years 2014-2021 and the state budget within the "Local Development" Program.

In this edition, over 200 Polish local governments applied for these funds, and Ostrów Wielkopolski became a part of a very elite, narrow group of 29 local governments that eceived money from the European Economic Area.

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