Social campaign "I'm only disabled" summed up


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Social campaign "I'm only disabled" summed up


During the gala, that was held  at the Synagogue Forum, the originators, partners, schools and organizations involved in the campaign, as well as the main heroes of the project - disabled people, were honoured. The campaign "I'm only disabled" breaks the existing stereotypes. This is a summary of the project, but not the end of our activities - says Beata Klimek, Mayor of Ostrów Wielkopolski.

The social campaign entitled "I'm only disabled" was launched at the beginning of the September . Billboards, plaques, spots, and even bicycles referring to the project appeared in the city.

- The "I am only disabled" campaign focused on fully-fledged and disabled residents of Ostrów, who live and work among us. These types of social campaigns are invaluable, and this one also showed us how much was needed. It's high time to start  to break social stereotypes boldly. In fact, people with disabilities achieve sporting successes, they engage in the social life and work among us. They are our family members, friends, neighbours, co-workers. But still, this otherness evokes intimidation or even embarrassment - says Beata Klimek, Mayor of Ostrów Wielkopolski.

After four months of the campaign, it was the time to sum it up. The ceremonial gala was held at Forum Synagoga.

- It seems that people with disabilities are afraid of  breaking barriers, going out to a healthy, able-bodied community. That is why I encourage people with disabilities  to go out to public places. Ostrów Wielkopolski has changed a lot in recent years. The city center, most of large-format stores and public institutions are accessible now, including for  wheelchairs users. Therefore, this campaign is addressed not only to able-bodied people, but also to people with disabilities - says Dariusz Peśla, the originator of the campaign's slogan.

The gala gave the possibility to award people  involved in the campaign, mainly the actors of the campaign: Bartosz Szulc, Karol Korzępa, Mariusz Kamiński and Magdalena Czernia.

- It was a very successful and necessary campaign. I am very happy to be part of it. I took part in the recording of one of the spots. Thank you for this distinction. Thank you for the campaign, which put disabled people in the central place - emphasizes Karol Korzępa, the actor of the spot "I only don't walk".

It was the first social campaign of this type organized in Ostrów Wielkopolski.

-          The goal of "I am only disabled" campaign was to draw attention to people with disabilities. We also wanted to change the way disabled people think about themselves. The campaign worked perfectly in our city, that is why we want to carry out that kind of activities in the future - says Sebastian Górski, deputy mayor of Ostrów Wielkopolski.

During the ceremonial gala,  there were also honoured: Małgorzata Pawlik, who is the originator of the campaign, Dariusz Peśla, who is the originator of the campaign's slogan; project partner, the Ostrow’s citizes for Children of Special Care Assocoatiopn, Occupational Therapy Workshops "Tęcza" and schools involved in the campaign – Primary School No. 1 and Primary School No. 5.

During the ceremony there was a possibility to the see the music and dance performance prepared by Karolina Wejamn, Alicja Zielińska and Marcin Roszczak from Occupational Therapy Workshops "Tęcza". In the ceremony also performed family duo mother and daughter: Anna and Agnieszka Ampula.

The campaign "I am only disabled" - TV spots, billboards, leaflets, meetings of disabled people with residents" is a part of the project "E-Ostrów 2050 - Ecological, Energy, Economic City", which is implemented with the participation of funds obtained by the city from the Mechanism of the Financial European Economic Area under the "Local Development" programme.

The project's partner is the Ostrów’ citizens for Children of Special Care Association.

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photo of people on stage related to the campaign, eog logo banner

photo of people on stage related to the campaign, eog logo banner


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